The View From Castle Rock

The View From Castle Rock

Alice Munro (CA)

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A story collection brimming with hope, adveristy, and wonder, Canada's beloved writer displays her compassionate understanding of ordinary lives to full effect.

The View from Castle Rock
traces the generations of Munro's family, from the title story—where through a haze of whiskey Alice's ancestors gaze north from Edinburgh Castle at the Fife coast, believing that it is North America—to Munro's first person stories, set during her lifetime, and all the way to the final story, where we travel with “Alice Munro” today. In the author's words, these stories “pay more attention to the truth of a life than fiction usually does. But not enough to swear on.”

Product details

ISBN-13: 9780143177401

Number of pages: 288

Format: Paperback \/ softback Trade paperback (US)

Imprint: Penguin Canada

English en